Akashic healing/Reading sessions

An Akashic Healing is a profound modality that taps into the timeless and limitless Akashic Records, a metaphysical library that holds the collective knowledge and experiences of all souls throughout time. Through this healing modality, you can access the information, guidance, and insights necessary for your personal growth, healing, and spiritual evolution.

An Akashic Healing session is a deeply personal and individual experience. Each session is unique and tailored to your specific needs and intentions. Your healer will open your personal Akashic Records and ask for guidance about the core/root cause of the issue at hand. She will be guided through questions, visualizations, and energetic healing techniques to support your exploration and healing within the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records offer a space of unconditional love and profound compassion, where you can heal emotional wounds, release karmic patterns, and transform limiting beliefs. This type of healing session is perfect for those who feel like they have tried everything to consciously heal or change a behavior, but nothing seems to be working. In these cases, there is often an unseen, unconscious pattern that is blocking our expansion and growth. An Akashic Healing session can assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of your life's experiences, as well as uncovering and releasing the root cause behind certain challenges or recurring patterns so that you are freed from unconscious energies that can impede the effectiveness of your conscious mindset work. During a session, you may release the emotional/energetic charge of past life experiences or current life experiences. You may be guided to perform soul retrieval and integration. You may also release the genesis point of false and toxic beliefs, which are often inherited from our ancestors through our DNA and are reinforced during childhood programming.

Through this healing modality, you are empowered to make conscious choices and align with your soul's purpose. The Akashic Records can provide insights into your gifts, talents, and potential life paths, helping you make decisions that resonate with your authentic self. An Akashic Healing session is a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and healing on multiple levels as you access the limitless depths of the Akashic Records. If you’re ready for deep, transformative energy work, an Akashic Healing session may be perfect for you.

These sessions can be done in-person or virtually over Zoom.

Our Akashic Healer: Dorothy Daniel. Please contact Dorothy at 615-390-7201 to schedule your appointment or complete the form below.